Yuil Industry Co., Ltd. is the leading company in the PET recycling industry with the largest business scale in Korea.
As such, we are capable of flexibly coping with any crises that emerge in the collection of recyclable wastes.

Company motto and management philosophy

Yuil Industry Co., Ltd. always puts forth efforts to manufacture the best
products with constant considerations given to the environment.
Company   motto
  • Assertive actions
  • Safe work practices
  • Affirmative attitudes
Management philosophy
1.인본주의적 경영 We value our realization that the roots of life and business are with the people. Information is generated by people and technologies are created through such information with such technologies used to generate extensive ranges of information that are beneficial for all people. Accordingly, Yuil Industry Co., Ltd. shall focus on and put utmost efforts into developing new technologies that can further enhance the quality of life through human-oriented corporate activities.
2. 강인한 승부근성 철저한 책임정신Taking up challenges is the way of our lives. More importantly, we will strive to achieve meaningful results that can be realized as the fruits of our labors with strong wills to win amidst the reality in which countless attempts simply end up as challenges themselves. This is made possible through our exhaustive attitude of being fully responsible for the challenges we take up.
3. 꾸준한 연구We will systemize our efforts through continuous research efforts and we will devote ourselves physically and mentally to produce the desirable outcomes of our research.
4. 고객 최우선 정신A company that fails to fulfill the requirements of its customers cannot survive. In addition, a company unable to anticipate the demands of its customers cannot survive for any meaningful period. For this purpose, Yuil Industry Co., Ltd. is striving to create a better future with our customers.